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Baby bond singing Class

Connect with your unborn baby

Baby bond singing class

That little one can hear you!

The baby in the womb has fully formed ears and auditory system by 16 weeks pre-natal. By 24 weeks the unborn baby will respond to sounds from outside the body as well as within the mother's body. in fact, babies are already learning language sounds and pitch before birth. Research since the 1980s has supported the positive impact on intelligent and cognitive abilities on babies exposed to music. Also new born babies will recognise their mother's voice and other family member's spoken voice. We have developed a singing class for expectant parents and family members to sing to their unborn babies. These classes will help you and your family sooth and bond with baby before birth. The deep breathing exercises which are for warming up the voice are also helpful to learn for during labour and for relaxation during pregnancy. Lullabies have been sung to calm babies for centuries, but introduced to a calming song before birth, you as parents and family members have a tool to sooth that fussy new born straight away. The focus of this class is the bonding of a new family and the early learning of that precious new life.

Young Family
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